Government Person Resource Model
Username card
- [ ] fix alignment of card (see attached picture)
**Goal Statement**
For: _Incarcerated Mothers, Children and Social Workers, Prison Staff_
Who: _female prisoners who are mothers and are separated from their children cannot be a consistent influenc…
**Describe your suggestion in full detail below:**
Ability for more civilised religions and cultures with needed technologies to introduce imperial bureaucratic system, for example mid-late game hu…
**Describe the requested icon(s)**
**Additional context**
Change the text on the [Get support / Obtenir du soutien form](https://forms-formulaires.alpha.canada.ca/en/support).
This is required to make sure our clients don't submit protected information via …
Change the text on the [Contact us / Nous contacter form](https://forms-formulaires.alpha.canada.ca/en/contact).
This is required to make sure our clients don't submit protected information via our C…
Between 2007 and 2015, Argentina’s National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC) was subjected to direct government intervention, leading to the manipulation of key macroeconomic indicators, m…
Great minds and all that.
I was actually working to stand something similar up within http://github.com/government, e.g., `/governemnt/procurement` to serve as a shared resource for contracting langu…
I would like to use this in azure govt. How would I go about that? I am sure its some endpoints that need to be changed since they are different from azure public.