i hope this works part two
i hope this works part two
i hope this works part two
i hope this works part two
| Skill | Mastered (Y/N) | Rank (1-4) | Ratio | Notes |
| Attendance | [Y ] | 4+ | 0.95 | At…
CSA Synergy Scrum Master: Aadit
AI Grader Scrum Master: Nandan
Table Scrum Master: Nitin
Seed Tracker Scrum Master: Sharon
**Teacher-related things MUST be on thy…
Hi, I wanted to download grader for CEOI16_icc but could not find any. It would be great if you add a grader for this problem.
L'idée est de réduire :
- les fichiers transférés
- le contenu de variables dans la table answer
- la taille des resssources
Comment fait on pour gérer la version ?
I am interested in simulating interactions with granular materials, specifically rocks and stones of various sizes, to replicate scenarios where a grader vehicle levels a terrain filled with granular …