## Problem
➜ build git:(p0) ✗ make -j$(nproc) hyperloglog_test
[ 9%] Built target bustub_optimizer
[ 11%] Built target gtest
[ 12%] Built target bustub_murmur3
[ 18%] Built target duckdb_p…
Currently, we track the number of views per project using [ahoy gem](https://github.com/ankane/ahoy). This requires storing user ip addresses(optional), user agents and other user data in the database…
Just wondering if you chaps had considered using HyperLogLog? Might save a bit of space.
i recently started using the hyperloglog functionality of Redis and have run into a rather odd issue when adding entries via bulk addition. This all occurs when using PFADD. Here are the three methods…
support hyperloglog ?
I have a question about the output from HLL, when I use Dashing with HyperLogLog i.e.:
**./dashing hll -k15 -p2 -S24 read.fastq reference.fasta**
The output from HLL is then:
# [Redis] HyperLogLog | da-nyee
실시간 unique count는 어떻게 계산할까?
看到Hazelcast的分布式数据结构介绍中, 提到了```Cardinality Estimator:实现了HyperLogLog算法的数据结构```, 于是顺便了解一下