I'm not 100% sure which LSP capability would best lend itself to this EP, but the information is definitely there. Basically it would just need to be able to discern the containing declarations up to …
We have a working workspace template with VSCode and we are using Bitbucket authentication.
Now we installed Cursor as an additional choice of IDE for developers.
module "cursor" {
count …
Having to reload the list every time is cumbersome. I suggest to cache the list, and attempt to reload it on startup. If we fail for any reason we can truncate the list or not.
I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the change in comtypes between 1.2.0 and 1.4.6?
Maybe they changed the import of the generated file?
### Steps to reproduce:
1. Run `scons sourc…
## Problem
The build tasks that `vscode-swift` generates include `"-Xswiftc" "-diagnostic-style=llvm"` in their arguments.
When the user builds on the command line, they are likely to just do `swif…
你好, 这是针对哪个版本的INTELLIJ呢
### Step 1: Are you in the right place?
- [ ] I have verified there are no duplicate active or recent bugs, questions, or requests
This is basically #32, but I used the Template :D
- [x] I have ver…
### Check for existing issues
- [ ] Completed
### Describe the bug / provide steps to reproduce it
There was a problem with the main search paths for extensions in zed ide
When loading the extensio…
This epic collects improvements relevant for the Theia IDE
### Feature Description:
#### Blockers
#### GA Blockers
#### Impediments
- [ ] https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia/issues/14851
- [ ]…
Hi, I bought a Nano CH32V203 from Aliexpress that has two USB-C ports. I already installed the Arduino IDE libs but I can't flash it using the USB-C port. I tried to do like ESP32 that we push the RST…