### Bug Report Checklist
- [x] I have tried restarting my IDE and the issue persists.
- [x] I have pulled the latest `main` branch of the repository.
- [x] I have [searched for related issues](https:…
## Context
Please answer a few questions to help us understand your problem better and guide you to a solution:
- What board are you using ?
- same issue with Arduino Micro and Itsy Bitsy …
Update the existing "Generate URN Mapping" button to remain **disabled** while the IDE is indexing and automatically re-enable it once indexing is complete.
See com.magento.idea.magento2plugin.projec…
When developing, the accuracy of the emulator is crucial. Having seen in the scene how new behavioral discoveries are still being made, and implemented in emulators, I don't know the accuracy of the e…
I'm now writing my source in SjasmPlus syntax. I'd like to try out Klive as my main development environment but my concern is:
I have to convert my sources from SP syntax to Klive's. Seeing the featu…
### The code in question:
body::-webkit-scrollbar {
@apply bg-zinc-100 dark:bg-zinc-800;
### The error on bundling:
warnings when minifying css:
### **This is a guide for people who can't get UnrealSharp working after converting their project to UE 5.5**
If you have installed Unreal Engine 5.5 and trying to migrate your project but you are get…
I apologize in advance because I can't find a place to talk to the developer.
I read everything but I didn't find any direction. Which of the basic2 subfolders can I use for my STM32F4 board project…