Seeing the following error pretty randomly:
ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'GAP:ANNOTATE:IPS (4)'
Caused by:
Process `GAP:ANNOTATE:IPS (4)` terminated with an error exit status (231)
Since we store the InterProScan output directly into an RDF database what would be the minimal requirements for creating the TSV input file? I played with the test set and noticed that this should pro…
04/10/2022 19:46:59:463 Welcome to InterProScan-5.55-88.0
04/10/2022 19:46:59:463 Running InterProScan v5 in STANDALONE mode... on Linux
04/10/2022 19:47:13:167 RunID: iZ8vb4s0jlsfk2x77wsvruZ_2…
Could you please add more information on how to install this tool using docker? e. g.
1) In step 3; Does docker include all dependencies such as Braker, interproscan, etc.? or they should be ins…
The region_interproscan script appears to hang as soon as it starts with, "Running interproscan domain and ORF identification..." printed. "All required software was found." is printed when running NL…
It is worth exploring whether there are better alternatives to insect KEGG pathway annotation than KOBAS since when we developed the pipeline ~5 years ago.
General considerations:
- have other dat…
I have different InterProScan results between running GAAS and running InterProScan manually, with the same input files.
I do not see any difference in the input arguments. As you know the bac…
The interproscan module currently runs the tool with many optional arguments activated.
First of all congratulations on developing such nice tool.
I am currently facing a problem that is:
Filtering for presence of LRRs...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File …
![screen shot 2018-11-06 at 3 44 36 pm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7063154/48092549-f7202800-e1da-11e8-8…