Thanks for sharing the codes, and the paper is great! I've noticed that this project is only an architecture of iTransformer, how can I train the model?
您好, 文章中的Q和K第一个维度分别为M和L为序列长度,根据itransformer,M和L是不是就是变量数或者是说节点数呢。
I notice that the official code script is using Miniformer, but the paper are comparing performance with iTransformer, which is not a fair comparision.
Hey Laowu, great work. However, i have a specific request, Can you please add the specific commands to run this code and where can we start with the implementation?
I predict for 1, 2, and 3 steps forward in time with the same lookback_len. Why predictions for first steps are different in all three predictions? It is the same point in time...
Do first prediction…
### What happened + What you expected to happen
test.py 75
Y_hat_insample = nf.predict_insample(step_size=12)
core.py 1213 predict_insample
fcsts[:, col_idx : (col…
您好,我用itransformer跑预测,为什么mae 与 mape 相较于基准模型都更低,但 rmse 的值却比基准模型更高。这是为什么?如何才能使itransformer预测的rmse值降下来呢?使rmse评估指标也优于基准模型。望回复,十分感谢。
### What happened + What you expected to happen
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data/anaconda3/envs/time_py/lib/python3.8/site-packages/streamlit/runtime/scriptrunner/script_runner.py", …