The [`std::simd`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/simd/index.html) module provides a safe, portable API for SIMD. Together with the [`multiversion`](https://crates.io/crates/multiversion) crate i…
I'm having issues with cjxl not properly converting the ICC profiles of some JPEGs or may be all the viewers are displaying it wrong.
I don't know which one of the two is the case.
**Here's how to…

[14:59:33.175][Info] Loading image details from https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7972397
I admit I might be a bit partial in asking for this ;)
Now that Safari supports decoding JPEG XL images, would it make sense to add support for producing JPEG XL images with `resize_image`?
From `cdxl --help` output:
> --resampling=-1|1|2|4|8
Resampling for extra channels. Default of -1 applies resampling only for low quality. Value 1 does no downsampling (1x1), 2 does 2x2 downsa…
Full error
[mjpeg @ 0x7f9713809400] No JPEG data found in image
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
Cannot determine format of input stream 0:0 after …
While `image` 0.25.x has migrated to `zune-jpeg` as its JPEG implementation, it still depends on the `jpeg-decoder` crate transitively through the `tiff` crate.
To reproduce this, run `cargo tree -…
(Please include as much information as possible, and attach a sample image if possible.)
I'm attaching two files, one with XMP and one with EXIF. They were both donated to the Apache Tika project by…
Embedded color profiles in JPEG images.
##### This issue was imported from [Google Moderator](https://www.google.com/moderator/)
Moderator votes: **+3**
Issue added by **Simon Baechler** o…
I observed an error during the library benchmarking.
## Expected
The [benchmark](https://github.com/image-rs/image/blob/main/benches/README.md) completes successfully with the documented …