Every time I try to save a image in a jpeg format, I receive a "A generic error occurred in GDI+" Exception. The path of the output file is correct and the application has full permission on the folde…
Normally digital x-ray image has DICOM format.
And it has more bit depth, then jpeg.
1. JPEG rendering by using Diana's rna render functions
2. Node.js request caching with file name convention
** These produce bytewise identical, but smaller files:
* jpegoptim -t --strip-all *.jpg
* imgopt *.jpg
* for F in *.jpg; do
jpegtran -copy none -optimize -outfile jo.bin "$F" &&
Hi there,
first of all, thanks for this awesome project! I have one question regarding the JPEG2K codec: is supporting quality layers a thing that's on the Roadmap for you? I think it would be a gr…

when put images with .png extension it throw s the er…
Medj9 updated
5 years ago
**Application Version**
Windows 10
Ultimaker 2 Go
**Steps to Reproduce**
1. Open a BMP or JPEG file.
2. Click Prepare.
**Actual Results**
The wei…
Please visit the link [website](https://www.eyebuydirect.com/telist/image-eyeglasses.html).
I can see that its type is webp, but its file name does not become suffixed with webp.
Noted: B…
Hi! Please consider adding support for https://github.com/dropbox/lepton , it allows to store JPEGs in *.lep format losslessly with a gain of 20-30% free space. An example photo: [000.zip](https://git…