On various CoreOS projects we love gRPC. The major reason we love it is that it uses HTTP/2. And why do we love HTTP/2? Because it moves the web forward in important ways while remaining backwards com…
I'm using your guide http://fabric8.io/guide/getStarted/gke.html to get started with fabric8 on a self-managed Kubernetes cluster.
There are a few issues in the guide. For example, this comm…
ghost updated
7 years ago
Here's details on OpenShift Templates: https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/templates.html
Its basically a simple way to parameterise the JSON/YAML of your kubernetes resources with parameters…
With helm version `helm version v0.1.0+c600ce8`, I got the following error installing Cassandra:
pentagon:Applications paul$ helm search cassandra
cassandra (cassandra 0.2.0) - The Apache…
I just realised there wasn't an `upgrade` command (like `brew upgrade`) and wondered if this was intentional.
Is the idea that you re-run `helm install` whenever charts update? e.g.
helm install…
mysql_1 | 2015-11-28T02:50:01.238745Z 3 [Note] Aborted connection 3 to db: 'text_rocket' user: 'text_rocket' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)
mysql_1 | 2015-11-28T…
I have been trying to get CD/CI working on a linux server using the fabric8-installer -> vagrant -> openshift route.
I have tried the helm update & helm upgrade fabric8/cd-pipeline approach to get th…
I tried to create daemonset using this yaml sample found from daemonset guide: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/release-1.1/docs/design/daemon.md and I've changed apiVersion extensions/v…
As a user of `helm lint` I'd like to add additional lint rules via a lint configuration file so that I don't have to modify the helm project/binary directly when adding rules that might only apply to …
I don't see anything particularly useful when I `k describe pod `:
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