I am wondering if it is possible to support [jsonnet](https://google.github.io/jsonnet/doc/) as a configuration file format for `kubectl`. What do you think about supporting it?
# Background
I notic…
yugui updated
7 years ago
`kubectl rolling-update` is useful for incrementally deploying a new replication controller. But if you have an existing replication controller and want to do a rolling restart of all the pods that it…
It seems that the current `Data.Yaml` interface cannot decode files/strings containing multiple documents like
x: 10
y: 20
This seems easy to incorporate by creating a variant of t…
OS X allows you to add TLD specific resolver configurations. Quite popular ones are /etc/resolver/…
Since supervisors publish their hostname to nimbus, and the hostname in PODs are the Pod name which is unreachable with the current DNS system. If a topology was deployed to nimbus, it would fail sin…
Users often need a means to inject custom behavior into the lifecycle of a deployment process. The deployment API (#1743) could be expanded to support the execution user-specified Docker images which …
In kubernetes there is a way to define all of the required RCs and services in one yaml/json file (as you mentioned in https://github.com/technosophos/prototype-repo/tree/master/def). Perhaps it would…
Currently kubectl looks for files with extensions .yaml, .yml, and .json, and Kubelet reads .manifest files, at least by convention, for legacy reasons.
None of these extensions indicate that the fil…
We need to be able to define the following options when specifying the pod definition in RC and Pod
--log-driver= Logging driver for container
--log-opt=[] Log driver options
These options should b…
As we investigate golang/build (see issue #99) we might want to figure out what would make us super happy both in the short and long term.
The basic goals are:
- run builds for various platforms
- ru…