As far as I can tell right now it's only possible to create an ingress to address services inside the namespace in which the Ingress resides. It would be good to be able to address services in any nam…
Disclosure: I just discovered Helm and don't really know what I'm talking about except that Helm looks awesome. I've been primarily developing in Node.js for the past few years and npm is a big reason…
Meta issue for Deis v2 alpha; as specific issues are filed in other repos, we will link them back to this issue.
## Alpha Goals
Primary goal is to complete the integration of all components necessary…
slack updated
8 years ago
In the Kubernetes documentation they use the following pod definition for being able to manual test services within the cluster with curl/nslookup/etc:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: …
We need a common location for alpha instructions. Ideally, this would/could use helm, but should include all the info needed to stand up the deis alpha.
Relevant alpha components:
- deis/postgres#5
slack updated
8 years ago
These two keys are [auto-generated](https://github.com/deis/workflow/blob/8ed73db9cfaea9c48c985e298c0eb26c733b90bc/rootfs/bin/boot#L52-L53) by the controller on boot, then templated out in the control…
If you "glide get" a package it will reorder the package list in the yaml config causing your diff to look very messy.
I'm willing to use Portus to handle my registries and to build an HA solution.
In my setup Portus use LDAP. LDAP is already setup with on two distinct servers.
I understand Portus DB can be setup in m…
rds13 updated
6 years ago
I think permit to deploy app via the new kubernetes deploy manager can be an overkill feature for this dashboard, any plans for implement this feature ?
So I found a group of manifests for building an elastic search cluster using their best practices. https://github.com/pires/kubernetes-elasticsearch-cluster
The problem is you need to running the `ku…