### Kube-OVN Version
### Kubernetes Version
$ kubectl version
Client Version: v1.31.5+k3s1
Kustomize Version: v5.4.2
Server Version: v1.31.5+k3s1
### Operation-system/Kernel Versio…
When running the tutorial at https://www.k8gb.io/docs/local.html, it works for me up until the point where you run dig for each instance. I get an error saying it can't connect:
dig -p 5053 +tcp …
From what I can tell, this code currently only supports deployment of upstream clusters, and not downstream clusters (i.e. from Rancher that's been deployed on an upstream cluster). Is that correct?
**What would you like to be added**:
We would like to concurrency perform container image buildings with `make -j 3 image-push debug-image-push importer-image-push helm-chart-push kueue-viz-image-pu…
On roles/day1_automation/tasks/main.yml, Line 39
When the deploy cluster progresses to the step, the following error is encounted
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => ("changed": true, "cmd": ["helm", "i…
TL-D updated
17 minutes ago
### Describe the bug
[TL;DR:](https://github.com/langfuse/langfuse/issues/5487#issuecomment-2653046015) The issue is that the provider name could be `AZURE` or `AZURE_AD` depending on the variable. T…
### Issue submitter TODO list
- [x] I've looked up my issue in [FAQ](https://docs.kafka-ui.provectus.io/faq/common-problems)
- [x] I've searched for an already existing issues [here](https://github.c…
### Name and Version
### What is the problem this feature will solve?
In the current Dockerfile for the Bitnami/PostgreSQL container, there is no way to let the …
**Environmental Info:**
K3s Version: v1.30.4+k3s1
Node(s) CPU architecture, OS, and Version:
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Kylin Linux Advanced Server"
VERSION="V10 (Terc…
### kgateway version
### Kubernetes Version
### Describe the bug
The install instruction provided by the release notes -
`helm install --create-namespace --namespace kgateway-sy…