### Bug Description
We have a few Strimzi kafka cluster deployments that were working fine so far. We have upgraded our kubernetes cluster (self-hosted) to version **1.32.1**, and since t…
kubernetes plugin is not working properly i get the below error from the logs i tried to scheduele a pod from jenkins pod itself using api call and it was schedueled sucessfuly even when i tried the s…
#### Describe the bug
Pyroscope querier cannot construct an IPv6 address correctly and errors with "too many colons in address". Tracked down the issue here: https://github.com/grafana/pyroscope/blob/…
### Name and Version
### What architecture are you using?
### What steps will reproduce the bug?
helm install wordpress-01 oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/wordpress -f local-…
### Related problem
I recently started using Strimzi on OpenShift and configured it to create routes for external access. This worked perfectly fine before but now failed due to the generated routes …
### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Currently the `service` type does not support specifying an arbitrary nodePort value for the services. Its practice with k8s deploy…
Used here https://github.com/trustification/trustify-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/trustify-infrastructure/Chart.yaml#L30
➜ ~ helm pull oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/postgresql …
### Priority
### OS type
### Hardware type
### Installation method
- [x] Pull docker images from hub.docker.com
- [ ] Build docker images from source
- [ ] Other
### De…
It's been a while that I was saddened by the infamous decision to close official Omnivore instance, and hope remerged after the takeover of some community members to maintain the project and make it r…
### Describe the bug
Hi, i have difficulty to use fluxcd into an EKS with Auto Mode. All pods crash but i can't debug as in auto mode we don't have access to worker ( ssh or SSM ).
Is it supported …