Hi, seem to be missing a step with the code upload to my ESP module.
3 questions (bit of a noob regarding ESP32 and ARduino).
Does it have to be a ESP32 WROOM or can it be any as long as I select …
I could not manage to build a functioning image with the tool on a ESP32S3.
Run vfsmerge --port esp32 --firmware ~/artifacts/firmware.bin --source /home/runner/work/micropython-camera-API/micr…
I use the ESP32 D1R32 or the ESP32 Wrover Module
**The Upload index.html was OK**
LittleFS Filesystem Uploader v1.2.0 -- https://github.com/earlephilhower/arduino-littlefs-upload
I would like to port the littlefs on my STM32 MCU with W25Q16JV flash.
In order to port it, What steps should I follow?
Where should I put my SPI_Read and SPI_Write …
Hello @geky sir,
I am using LittleFS for NOR flash which is W25Q64. I had ported littlefs library successfully for my controller with all 4 base functions like localread,localProg,localErase and lo…
This lib is great, I am only one day in and I have webpages with controls and all sorts showing up where before I was following a lot of tutorials dealing with raw HTML assembling and getting frustrat…
### Wiki Search Terms
### Controller Board
### Machine Description
### Input Circuits
_No response_
### Configuration file
### Startup Messages
### The problem
i have tried a lot of different ways but none of them work on windows and on a raspberry pi
- via https://web.esphome.io/ able to install and configure wifi but no logs or device…
once built it cannot find the settings.json file and will not enter into access point mode
### Port, board and/or hardware
stm32 port PYBD_SF6 board
### MicroPython version
MicroPython v1.18 on 2022-01-17; PYBD-SF6W with STM32F767IIK
MicroPython v1.23.0 on 2024-06-02; PYBD-SF6W w…