I am using maven to build a deployment package including Flyway Command Line for Oracle database and migration script.
I am using artifact flyway-core, flyway-database-oracle and flyway-commandline.
Type: Bug
After updating VSCode (Version 1.97), I was logged out of my Microsoft account. When I tried to sign back in, it kept prompting me for both email and password multiple times, then failed w…
The build seems to fail on systems with GLIBC below 2.27.
First the local installation of node has failed for me due to the same reason, but even after installing it mannually it still seems that othe…
介绍hadoop开发环境,以及阅读源码 环境以下是hadoop building所需环境, 参考hadoop-3.4.0-src\BUILDING.txt文件 12345678910111213141516171819Requirements:* Unix System 类unix系统* JDK…
Type: Bug
# Behaviour
Testing panel is always empty and log shows
2025-02-05 14:02:42.284 [debug] Testing: Refreshing all test data
2025-02-05 14:02:42.287 [info] Discover tests for workspac…
Type: Bug
no puedo iniciar seccion con github pero el prorgama como que reconoce mi usuario de github internamente pero un asi aparece que no estoy logeado
VS Code version: Code 1.84.2 (1a5daa3a02…
Testing ACME application using Liberty Tools for VScode - https://github.ibm.com/websphere/system-test/issues/1357
For my ACMEApp on GHE ((https://github.ibm.com/was-svt/acme-ee/tree/acme-ee10) - if I…
Your Repository is 403 Forbidden and jitpack.io return that the pom for advancedcore is missing
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### Area
After having troubles setting up Shopizer according to the read.me (was facing issue after issue nonstop) i decided to browse the forum (https://groups.google.com/g/shopizer) for solution and came acr…