creating crud with react extress node and mongoDB
![Capture d’écran 2024-01-16 000024](https://github.com/batoum0-code/mern-book-client/assets/112777869/a82f7501-8906-47ea-8633-af6e4bb00265)
![Capture d’écran 2024-01-16 000045](https://github.com/ba…
# How to build a CRUD application using MERN stack - CodeSource.io
In this tutorial, we will use the MERN stack to create a CRUD application. We are going to create a simple PhoneBook app where a use…
### Description
## CRUD operations in MongoDB shell
- Explain Create, Read, Update and Delete operations on a database using MongoDB CLI.
## Project Directory
`Branch MERN>MERN/Topic/Backend/Mon…
Nice app!
But what if I was like, totally:
Production (deployed) URL: https://evening-ravine-76048.herokuapp.com/breweries
Repository: https://github.com/colleenobrien3/express-crud-api
I wish to make an simple CRUD app with MERN stack..
Please assign to me
As a [**developer**]
I want to [**set up the base project (MERN)**]
So that [**users will be able to access the home screen using their browser**]
__Functional Requirements:__
* [x] Server & En…
It is working well on my local but whenever I try to deploy it on Heroku, It is giving that error.
-----> Build
Running build
> user_auth_and_crud_app_mern_boilerplate@1.…
i Can't find the DB data in this project.