Užregistruotas [OCID prefiktas](http://standard.open-contracting.org/latest/en/implementation/registration/): `ocds-jpcd7i`.
sirex updated
2 years ago
Add a note to extensions that are part of 1.2, basically saying to only use them in OCDS 1.1
Already merged, or partially merged
* [ ] Country code
* [ ] Organization scale
* [ ] Tender and co…
The deprecated field is still mentioned in the Markdown content below the jsonschema directive: https://standard.open-contracting.org/staging/1.2-dev/en/schema/reference/#relatedprocess
That said, we could keep the code as-is, and open an issue so that in 30 days (Dec 1), we delete this Message logic are use the simpler borrower_submitted_at logic.
_Originally posted by @jpmckinne…
@giuragu do have a look here
I have scraped them all in [this sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cpt7xcujFOm5Jn87dCGWRYN8DhO-Ic_MSg00id…
As discussed in https://github.com/open-contracting/standard/issues/896#issuecomment-71961319…
Possible new requirements for extensions:
* All definitions and properties must set a `title`, `description` and `type`, unless they are originally defined in the core schema or in another extensio…
The Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) is widely used. How does it compare with OntoPiA's current contract ontology?