Currently `go test $(glide novendor)` fails with the output:
ok github.com/PaddlePaddle/cloud/go/filemanager/pfsmodules 0.032s
ok github.com/PaddlePaddle/cloud/go/filemanager/pfsserver 0.…
Tasks TODO:
- [ ] HTTP's error handle.
- [ ] UrlParam's `marshel` `unmarshel.
Controller can not fetch information from APIServer. Maybe we need a demo YAML file to create a ClusterRoleBinding.
E1026 11:16:45.932353 1 reflector.go:201] github.com/PaddlePaddle/…
Hi @m3ngyang,
Could you please remove go/client from PaddlePaddle/cloud and send a PR to move it to PaddlePaddle/edl/pkg/client?
Sorry I could have done it when pushing the PaddlePaddle/cloud gi…
Hi @qizheng09,
Could you please remove go/updater from PaddlePaddle/cloud and send a PR to move it to PaddlePaddle/edl/pkg/updater?
Sorry I could have done it when pushing the PaddlePaddle/cloud…
AT8864:.paddle shelter$ …
A Go source file directory https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/cloud/tree/develop/go/cmd/paddlecloud, and a Python one https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/cloud/tree/develop/paddlecloud.
The [Running PaddlePaddle Cloud on Minikube tutorial](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/cloud/blob/develop/doc/run_on_minikube.md) doesn't explain how to verify the successful configuration of the minik…
PaddleCloud needs more demo training code, and we appreciate your contribution!!
You can make the code from [book](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book) running on the Cloud as the following steps:…
### Actions before raising this issue
- [X] I searched the existing issues and did not find anything similar.
- [X] I read/searched [the docs](https://opencv.github.io/cvat/docs/)
### Is your featur…