### ImageMagick version
### Operating system
### Operating system, version and so on
Gentoo Linux
### Description
The Perl bindings need to be installed where the Perl interprete…
# Issue template (remove lines from top till here)
Maintainer: @\neheb (https://github.com/openwrt/packages/tree/openwrt-22.03/lang/perl-dbi)
Linux OpenWrt 5.15.150 #0 SMP Fri Mar…
**Describe the bug**
When running the command, it gets towards the bottom of the process but then errors saying the it could not open the index file. This is a resulting GFF file from MAKER output.
[~/Documents]$ pkg install git
Package git not found
[~/Documents]$ pkg install llvm-18
Package llvm-18 not found
- [ ] linked-list
- [ ] list-ops
- [x] prime-factors
- [ ] simple-linked-list
- [x] custom-set
- [x] palindrome-products
- [x] proverb
- [x] pythagorean-triplet
- [x] queen-attack
- [x] robot…
**Describe the bug**
Running dmarc_receive against a file prints a bunch "Use of uninitialized value" messages.
Unfortunately, the input file cannot be shared - but perhaps the messages allow to ide…
does anyone reproduce it?
cp lib/Data/MessagePack/Boolean.pm blib/lib/Data/MessagePack/Boolean.pm
cp lib/Data/MessagePack/Unpacker.pod blib/lib/Data/MessagePack/Unpacker.pod
cp lib/Data/MessagePa…
Today I forked the module-build-tiny repository and cloned it locally. I installed prerequisites per `dzil authordeps --missing | cpanm` against perl-5.40.0. I then called the following:
### Describe the bug
When I try to launch Element from rofi, it consumes 100% CPU and does not show the window. If I click on the tray icon, it shows a blank window.
One interesting thing is tha…
I was installing perlbrew at /opt/perl5 so multiple people could use the same version of Perl.
I did this installation after I had already installed perlbrew in my home directory (with the idea tha…