Maybe a missing file in the distribution?
# Failed test 'use Daje::Workflow::GenerateSQL::Activity;'
# at t/00_compile.t line 4.
# Tried to use 'Daje::Workflow::GenerateSQL::Activity'.…
export ENGAN=/data/work/fxy/wengan-v0.2-bin-Linux/wengan.pl
perl ${ENGAN} -x pacraw -a A -s /data/input/Files/fxy/SRR8861483_1.fastq.gz,/data/input/Files/fxy/_1_SRR8861483_2.fastq.gz -l /data/input/F…
**Describe the bug**
Doing an apt upgrade recently, the web UI failed to come up.
Downgrading libpve-common-perl from 8.2.9+port1 to 8.2.9+port fixed the issue.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce t…
When I try to do this:
$perl METABOLIC-C.pl -help
it produces the error:
Can't locate Statistics/Descriptive.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib6…
Module: Data::Dumper
Referencing a non-existent hash results in:
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at get_instances-broken-Dumper.pl line 8.
Use of uninitialized va…
[user@localhost docker]$ docker exec -it zoneminder /bin/bash
root@aa16a0f9da47:/# service mysql start
* Starting MariaDB database server mysqld …
I tried both manual installation and conda installation for metawrap 1.2.1, both came across this issue when following the annotate module:
## Issue description
Cannot install or compile Zellij using `cargo install --locked zellij` or `cargo install-update -a`
Receive warning and error:
--- stderr
Can't locate IPC/Cmd.pm…
I see shared_ptr is supported for Python, Ruby and other languages. I wonder if it can be supported for Perl. Thanks!
ghost updated
2 years ago
not totally finished, but getting there ;-). I have most of the get functions done, and in the coming weeks I intend to finish the rest of the api:
natxo updated
8 years ago