- [ ] linked-list
- [x] list-ops
- [x] prime-factors
- [ ] simple-linked-list
- [x] custom-set
- [x] palindrome-products
- [x] proverb
- [x] pythagorean-triplet
- [x] queen-attack
- [x] robot…
latex test.tex
with `latex` being a symlink to `pdftex` in `.../envs/bin/` (as introduced by #18) and `test.tex` being
I've got arp-scan 1.10.0 on macOS 13.4.1. Installed via Homebrew.
I noticed today, for example, mac `d8:b3:70` is not in the standard OUI db that comes with this version. I also noted there is a `g…
I wasn't sure where else to ask this, I did send an email to the email group a few days ago, but didn't get any replies. I also wasn't sure if this should be a bug report or feature request. Our sec…
I'm trying to package `Crypt-RIPEMD160` for OpenIndiana and during testing I found this error:
Can't locate auto/Crypt/RIPEMD160/MAC/autosplit.ix in @INC (@INC entries checked: $(@D)/blib/lib $(…
does anyone reproduce it?
cp lib/Data/MessagePack/Boolean.pm blib/lib/Data/MessagePack/Boolean.pm
cp lib/Data/MessagePack/Unpacker.pod blib/lib/Data/MessagePack/Unpacker.pod
cp lib/Data/MessagePa…
I was installing perlbrew at /opt/perl5 so multiple people could use the same version of Perl.
I did this installation after I had already installed perlbrew in my home directory (with the idea tha…
I keep getting this error when trying to run the script.
``Invalid date format: 2017:05:16 1:48:24 pm at photo_prism_yaml_to_exif.pl line 303.
main::process_file() called at /usr/…
Related to https://github.com/nf-core/sarek/issues/687, which is marked complete but `loftee` still do not run and generates the same warning.
### Description of the bug
I am trying to annotate a vc…
Attempt to reload DynaLoader.pm aborted.\nCompilation failed in require at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.22/APR.pm line 19.\nBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.…
hrtrd updated
2 months ago