Parsing a feed containing a channel GUID causes an error:
> Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -1 at /usr/share/perl5/XML/RSS.pm line 913.
The example file being used…
On some of my smokers the test suite fails:
Output from './Build test':
Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable at t/00_ebpf_asm.t line 128.
t/00_ebpf_asm.t ................ ok
Can't l…
Apparently the :from trait has stopped working with the latest changes to the compiler.
Any attempt to apply a use statement with that token fails like:
raku -e 'use Inline::Perl5; use Email:…
Xliff updated
2 years ago
I came across this module, since it ```use Config.pm;``` but then never uses %Config, or anything else. This is just bloat.
The error appears if I use this installation yum install centreon-plugin-Hardware-Pdu-Apc-Snmp
[root@nagios plugins]# ./centreon_pdu_apc_snmp.pl --list-mode
Plugin Description:
Check APC…
I've installed all the dependencies for CEGMA successfully, and have now tried to install the CEGMA program itself. When I run the `make` command, I get this output, which looks normal.
$ getMutationType.pl -h
Can't locate Bio/SeqIO.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /public/home/dmhe_gibh/soft/czplib /public/home/dmhe_gibh/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /public/home/dmhe_gibh/pe…
cpan の Cv-0.25 をインストールした後、Cv-Olive-0.26rc と Cv-Pango を上書きする形でインストールし、lib ディレクトリがどのように変化するか、確認した結果を添えました。
Cv-Pango は、残念ながら Cv-0.25 の Cv::Pango を上書きせず、異なるディレクトリにインストールされるという困った結果を招きます。
*** a1 Fri …
obuk updated
11 years ago
I just built perl 5.14.2 using perlbrew and then tried install perl5
with the cpan shell:
cpan[3]> install perl5 …
Our databases are on different servers. It seems to want a mysql_config file (which I've created) but I don't know where to put it so that it is found when doing the install. Getting the following re…