The operation type vocabulary is inconsistent, e.g.: `http://w3id.org/meta-share/omtd-share/PartOfSpeechTagger` but `http://w3id.org/meta-share/omtd-share/PosTagging`. Decide on using the abbreviation…
### Question
I've been using flair.MultiTagger until recently. But all of a sudden I receive the following error when I try to load the model to run multiple predictions for postagging, chunk…
OK, here's my problem.
I want to POS tagg a text file with product reviews, in order to proceed with sentiment analysis on that opinions.
I downloaded the stanford parser 31/10/2016 and copied the f…
## 一言でいうと
系列ラベリング(固有表現認識やPOSTaggingなど)で良好な精度を出している12のモデルについて、前処理やハイパーパラメーターなどの条件をそろえ同じデータセットで比較した研究。タスクによって効果のある手法(LSTM or CNN、文字特徴、CRF層etc)にばらつきがあるが、効果がある場合は1ptほど上がる
### 論文リンク
Hi, I search `corpus manager` and find this project. It looks very promising .
I am mainly working with Chinese text, `coquery` doesn't work well with Chinese now, and I afraid it would never pla…
Ví dụ:
Một cậu bé bò cạnh một con bò.
Post tagging sẽ là:
(['Một', 'cậu', 'bé', 'bò', 'cạnh', 'một', 'con', 'bò', '.'], ['M', 'Nc', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'M', 'Nc', 'N', 'F'])
Và một …
I've used Docker to set up the repository and trying to run the code snipped under 'Usage' in the readme.
I'm new to docker so please confirm if I'm doing it correctly. I first run the 'docker ru…
I found UD treebank models performed very weakly for some languages, esp. for CJK languages. [spaCy ](https://spacy.io/universe/project/spacyr)supports so many languages and performs much better than …
`PythonInR` is not available on cran anymore and is not compatible with newest version of R. Is it possible to make the package work with `reticulate` instead? The package worked before (using steps t…
Hi there
Let me know how could i modify the code for town recognition? because i am in colombia and the entity recognition doesn't work well with us towns.
Is it possible? Can POSTagger be modify …