This is a bit of a tall order but I reckon it will be doable. We need to go deeper. Writing the compiler to output Python will probably be most natural, but since the feature set is small (I don't see…
It would be good idea to add arrays in the future.
I think it would be uwumazing if we managed to get pythOwO recognized as a language on Github so it shows on our repos like this:
what if we define some rules so that we can identify when to use "uwu" and "w" during uwufwicatwion?
so suppose we have 3 words, number, please, math
they get uwufied as:
number -> nuwumber
Rewrite in rust
I mean, the LISCENCE file says that distribution is allowed...
Project here: https://pypi.org/project/PythOwO/
I didn't know this existed, thanks a lot for making this!
The extension would look…
Pwease wewwite dis in [pythOwO](https://github.com/virejdasani/pythOwO) uwu
Title says for itself. Maybe i'll do dome pull requests to fix thi. (anyway why uppercase words for `function` and etc? don't look really python)