When I start rosbridge and subscribe to a topic before the topic is available I receive the following error:
[rosbridge_websocket]: New publisher discovered on topic '/mavros/…
I create a simple extension like https://github.com/Lichtblick-Suite/create-lichtblick-extension/blob/main/template/src/ExamplePanel.tsx.
The topics doesn't show in the panel, while …
when i run : roslaunch ./launch/novatel_pose.launch i got this error
![Screenshot from 2020-07-16 14-37-31](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26908016/87677793-14f4ad00-c772-11ea-930a-bb74…
- Version: current main
- Platform: Ubuntu 24.04
- Data source (e.g. bag file, mcap file, rosbridge, ROS 1/2 native): not relevant as problem during install
Following the insta…
WebUI requesting feedback of actuator is well, but it may making rosbridge crash.
I have encountered some odd behavior. At some point, a subscriber topic decrease throughput, when the publishing topic does not decrease the throughput.
1. I have a cpp node publishing a str…
As https://github.com/RobotWebTools/rosbridge_suite/pull/157 has been merged.
tornado is now in rosbridge_tools.
The [rosbridge protocol provides the ability to fragment messages](https://github.com/RobotWebTools/rosbridge_suite/blob/ros2/ROSBRIDGE_PROTOCOL.md#311-fragmentation--fragment--experimental). This fe…
--(Node.JS Tab) In the Node.js tab the following is read:
throw Error(`yargs parser supports a minimu…
By using `Roslibjs` to subscribe to topics using `CBOR` compression, I'm having a `Rosbridge` error with some custom messages. I can subscribe to standard messages with the compress…