I encountered an error while running KMeans clustering with OAP MLlib, specifically when using the KMeansDAL implementation. The application fails with an UnsatisfiedLinkError, which points to an iss…
Relevant discussions in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/issues/666
What is the version of mllib are you using? I'm not able to compile the code with spark-mllib_2.10 with version 1.6.0/2.01.
I'm getting issue with org.apache.spark.mllib.util.Loader$.MODULE$.checkSch…
At least for spark-shell the Spark syntax needs this fixing. Without the parenthesis, the following command on page 421 of the book fails to generate proper Array[...] into the params Dataframe:
du -sm *.csv
467 train-10m.csv
47 train-1m.csv
5 train-0.1m.csv
du -sm *.parquet
2385 spark_ohe-train-100m.parquet
239 spark_ohe-train-10m.parquet
25 spark_ohe…
I would like to discretize the Epsilon dataset that it has 2k features and 400k records. To achieve this, I utilized the Spark 2.3.0. Once I execute the code, I deal with below error. It is noteworthy…
Hello authors,there exits some confuse when i try to run :
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Failed to find data source: tfrecord. Please find pa…
xwu99 updated
3 years ago
Looks like the t-SNE package does not work with Spark 2.1. After importing the com.github.saurfang.* package, a simple method to compute mean etc fails:
import org.apache.spark.mllib.lina…