Output of the BUILD step:
* Executing task in folder BlinkTest: platformio run
Processing STC8G1K08A (platform: intel_mcs51; board: STC8G1K08A)
include "fw_hal.h"后编译空的main()报错
- MCU: STC8G1K08
- OS: Windows11 23H2
- VSCODE: 1.92.2
- PlatformIO: Core 6.1.15
# platformio.ini
platform = intel_mcs51
board = S…
This has been so valuable, thanks so much for your hard work!
I was working at getting your examples for the STC8 to compile under Keil 5, and noticed that the Nuvoton N76E003 was selected a…
First, a huge thanks for you library.
I never used a STC8 MCU before and your work greatly helped me :)
I made a "helper" file to compute and reverse compute some values related to prescalers.
"C:\Users\alexa\.platformio\penv\Scripts\python.exe" "C:\Users\alexa\.platformio\packages\tool-stcgal\stcgal.py" -D -Pstc8 -t6000 -b19200 -pCOM8 -a -P stc8 -p COM8 -t 11059 -a .pio\build\STC8H1K0…
kolod updated
1 month ago
stcgal -p COM3 -P stc8 .pio\build\STC8H1K16-rev52\firmware.hex
Waiting for MCU, please cycle power: done
Target model:
Name: STC8H1K16
Magic: F721
Code flash: 16.0 KB
- 例程路径:FwLib_STC8\FwLib_STC8\demo\i2c\mpu6050:
- mpu6050.c内容:
uint16_t swap(uint16_t num)
return (num >> 8) | (num #### MPU6050 设备是以大端模式存储的,即高字节在前,低字节在后,在读取原始数据出来后,将高字节的数据左移8位,再或上低字节的数…
>- 📝目前Keil各个版本的C51和C251编译器均只支持32个中断号(0~31),后面的中断需要经过添加汇编调整指令跳转实现。
### 🛠调…
- 串口2demo:FwLib_STC8\FwLib_STC8\demo\uart\uart2_timer2_tx.c
> 在使用串口2的情况下必须要对IO进行配置,否则无法输出。在STC8H手册上(321页)有这么一段话:
*** 关于 I/O 的注意事项:
1、 P3.0 和 P3.1 口上电后的状态为弱上拉/准双向口模式
2、 除 P3.0 和 P3.1 外,其余所有 IO…