Steam modified the webpage
listings = steam_client.market.get_my_market_listings()
File "/usr/local/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steampy/utils.py", line 23, in func_wrapper
### Ability name
### Description
Hello steam, I have a big problem. I sold the knife in cs2
Note: Starting in the next few days, items purchased for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive either in-game or on the Steam Community Market will not be tradable or marketable for one week after purchase…
### Description
The armory is missing important buttons such as sell on market, making one believe the item is not actually marketable. When you actually click the intuitive button that you'd think w…
`One or more requests failed:
http://steamcommunity.com/market/priceoverview/?country=us¤cy=1&appid=753&market_hash_name=4570-Space%20Marine (429: Unknown)
[This request](https://steamcommunity.com/market/search/render/?appid=583950&norender=1&count=100&start=0) could return the current price of (first 100 out of 237) Artifact cards. It's not part of Val…
Hi, when I try to execute command `steam-market-history export --json` get the following error
KeyError: 'transfer_parameters' in `webauth.py`", line 209, in `login` self._finalize_login(resp)
Title is self-explanatory. I don't know if I'll get to it anytime stoon - if anyone is interested in tackling this, I'll be able to assist and help as much as possible.
when I use get_my_market_listings to get sell_listings, json always have 10 less items than actually listed on steam market. when only 10 items listed, sell_listings is empty.
The Face Plante (Known as hwn2013_boston_bandy_mask in the files) has been compiled incorrectly …