A .NET rész által használt elastic csomag már deprected: https://www.nuget.org/packages/nest
Segue o TodoAPP meu querido, da uma olhada no Readme, qualquer dúvida estou a disposição @augustokemp
meu email> alexandremota560@gmail.com
I'd like to build a typical Todo List Application: a simple productivity tool that allows users to create, manage, and track tasks or to-do items.
Key features of the Todo List application include th…
TodoApp 연습
Had to learn Java today so was behind. Will not happen again. I seem more confident now so I was able to add the edit page on my own. @codepathreview @codepath
My app is finally finished, please review. /cc @codepathreview @codepath
For todoApp, there is another `Placeholder` generated:
[ProducesResponseType((int)HttpStatusCode.OK, Type = typeof(Pl…
I finished my app: @codepath @codepathreview
Completed MyTodoApp prework , please review. cc @codepathreview and @codepath