## 一言でいうと
解釈が容易かつ簡単に演算ができるCNNの提案。Tsetlin Machineというアルゴリズムをベースとしている。入力に対して0/1の値で構成されたフィルタを論理演算で適用し、各フィルタの演算結果を集計し出力を行う。各フィルタ(演算結果)の重みはバンディットアルゴリズムで調整する(ラベルとの適合が報酬)
There is no support for tracking loss/accuracy during training and testing of the tsetlin machine. The only data that is available is the end results. It would be helpful to see the data as the machin…
I was wondering, does the Tsetlin machine support multilabel output? I saw multiclass, but that assumes only one label is true, correct?
Thanks! :)
When requesting the most recent articles via the /metadata endpoint it appears the definition of "recent" is not sufficiently documented :-)
The following request:
> https://api.arxiv.org/metada…
As far as I understand there are problems with saving state of learned TM.
This is important for research development, as checkpoint can be created in a easy way.
I tried to pickle MultiClassTsetl…
Training runs fine, the /tmp/tms.tm is saved but it fails at the following step, compiling the model:
_, tm = combine(tms[1:500], 2, x_test, y_test, batch=true)
My julia version is 1.10.…
Import error due to missing logging_example.json file.
Python 3.8.13
pip 23.0.1
5.15.0-56-generic #62~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP
Tested on platforms: Python Tsetlin Machine, Tensorflow:22.01-tf2-py3 and …
Please see: https://github.com/fwaris/FsTsetlin
(Still very much WIP)
The core of the Tsetlin machine is implemented using tensor operation (which can be parallelized).
The front-end language…
From "_Extending the Tsetlin Machine With Integer-Weighted Clauses for Increased Interpretability_" arXiv:2005.05131: