### What is the version?
### What happened?
### What did you expect to happen?
dcgm-exporter can g…
Hi, I'm trying to run UCE on Marmoset dataset, but the species is not included in the UCE data. I have obtained the protein embedding using ESM2 (36 layers) and the chromosome location of genes in mar…
I normally work on target capture data from plants and fungi. A colleague of mine is planning to use the Tetrapods-UCE-5Kv1 for birds. He asked me to double-check how much sequencing data to re…
Hello, thank you for your brilliant work and sorry for a lame question:
Is it expected that the embedding for the same cell is different based on what other cells it is being embedded with? If so, …
I was wondering what retain set (prior preservation set) was used for the UCE baselines in each experiment? Thanks!
Note: It matched the contigs for all the samples except "Callosciurus_prevostii_FMNH235489"
I am running given command and I would get the error as given below.
# match contigs to probes
brainflayer shows invalid number of scanned lines after recent changes
Dear author, I have a question about how to succeed my analysis. I make a directory named "deduce" and download three genomes from NCBI. Then, I entered the following command, but it did not work cor…
From https://github.com/WebReflection/uce-template/blob/master/extra-details.md :
> Modules can also be loaded at runtime, but only if relative or if the CDN supports Cross Origin Requests
And t…
### Game or games this happens in
UCES-01245 - Gran Turismo
### What area of the game / PPSSPP
When i tried to install data on Europe version (UCES-01245) they received not enough storage err…