When I tried to build my own voice in the 5th and 6th steps I have this error:
`Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/tarik/merlin-master/src/run_merlin.py", line 1158, in
hi ,thanks a lot for your work. I use your code to train the VC task between inter-gender,but the result is bad.
I did not modify the code. However i changed several datasets, none of the result is…
I am using the recorder.js for recording the audio. This gives me output as 44.1khz, 2-channel wav file.But my requirement is 16khz sinlgle channel WAV file . Could you please guide me on how to …
ran the slt_arctic demo, however only generates 5 wav outputs.
1. experiments/slt_arctic_demo/acoustic_model/data and experiments/slt_arctic_demo/duration_model/data each subfolder has file…
## 再現性の保証
Code to reproduce XX paperといったように、論文の実験結果を再現するためのコード、という位置付けです。例えば深層学習の分野では、`xxxNet`などという名前で、日々アップロードされています。…
Looks like, unlike FreeVC https://github.com/OlaWod/FreeVC/blob/81c169cdbfc97ff07ee2f501e9b88d543fc46126/data_utils.py#L72C9-L72C9 your code doesn't explicitly use this param, in fact it doens't use S…
In section 2.3.2 in paper, you have mentioned that the input in speaker encoder varies between training stages. Can you please point ib code where it takes place?
Do yiu train end to end or given t…
I run my anylora freely available, for some reason it writes to me on Google colab that I am violating something, although it is not so!!
Here is the link:
## Summary
The paper said that conditioning *mel* is from different utterance.
The implementation use same utterance's *mel* for training.
Which is correct?
## Current status
The paper sa…
## Summary
QuickVC have AMP config.
When I use it, raise a error and cannot train.
Did you use AMP for training?
## Current Status
QuickVC have AMP (automatic mixed-presicion) training fl…