The further down, and to the right I go, the faster rendering gets.
- If I only go to the right, then that speeds it up a little
- If I only go to the bottom, then that speeds it up a little
- BOTH ri…
_Version:_ 1.3-beta7
I noticed this bug in level 9 of the default map pack (see screenshot)
I basically put the yellow portal from the top, and then the blue portal from the bottom, next to the yello…
zorun updated
13 years ago
_UPDATE_ Make errors for no group assigned to property more informative, with instructions on fixing
R643. I have tried to add it - but there is a problem - see this on "view properties" - there is…
## Descrição do bug:
Autorização não está funcionando (qualquer um pode acessar as funcionalidades).
### Passos para reprodução:
1. Entre no Sigme e não faça login;
2. Acesse http://localhost:8080/Si…
A side effect of adding copy propagation for cumulus urls is that it can also be used as a pass through propagation method. This is off by default, but when enabled it has bad security implications. …
Maybe I'm just daft and missing something-- but what is the preferred way to finalize input into a textfield after having entered text?
It looks like the code will attempt to interpret \n or \r as "R…
I'm getting the following test failure with hoe 2.10.0. Doesn't look like a functional problem but would be nice to have this test pass as well. This is with "ruby 1.8.7 (2011-02-18 patchlevel 334) [x…
If game situation is prefixed (keep it optional!), create respective boards in client and make functions adhere to the board it is prefixed with.
Needs changes in: getSit, move, postMove
I was just looking at [GitFlow](http://search.cpan.org/dist/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GitFlow/lib/Dist/Zilla/Plugin/GitFlow.pm) on CPAN. I've wanted features like this in this distribution (though I'd prefer …