The old version of the EMIT workflow is here:
### Error Blob
"ErrorMessage": "at System.IO.Tests.FileSystemWatcherTests.FileSystemWatcher_Directory_Delete_MultipleFilters",
"BuildRetry": true,
"ErrorPattern": "",
### Plugin Name | 插件名
### Description | 描述
如题,比如org加入的一些玩家动作在/playerAction命令下,但是Bot插件的动作保存只能保存/player 后面的假人动作指令内容,也就不能保存其它前缀指令的动作。希望可以在配置文件中添加可以自定义动作保存所用前缀的列表。
如:”action_command”: [
### Build
### Build leg reported
### Please make sure of the following things
- [x] I have read the [documentation](https://alist.nn.ci).
- [ ] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions.…
The API endpoint for getting the list of user profiles can be improved by accepting the filter and sort query params to allow users to filter and sort user profiles.
Example: `http://localhost:3001/u…
Hi, we're trying out Danswer for our organisation https://investsuite.com, and we ran into a `RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded` error with the Slack indexer.
A guess at why that hap…
I have an Android app in the Play Store.
Rarely I see exceptions like this in the Google Play Console:
Exception java.lang.NullPointerException:
at com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.GlyphLayout.set…
upost updated
8 minutes ago
## Build Information
Build: https://dev.azure.com/dnceng-public/public/_build/results?buildId=530980&view=results
Build error leg or test failing: Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp.Tests Work Item
Pull Reque…
According to [https://github.com/danswer-ai/danswer/blob/v0.10.0/backend/danswer/file_processing/extract_file_text.py](url) the processing of .txt and .pdf will search for metadata in the files. Do yo…