AAV-VirginiaTech / classifier

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Image Classifier

A utility to allow members of the VT Autonomous Aerial Vehicles team to quickly classify images taken from their drone.

Building and Running

This project depends on CMake and Qt being installed on your system. Both of these can be found at https://cmake.org/download/ and https://www.qt.io/download-qt-installer.

The app also looks for some assets that are located in the project folder, so make sure to start the executable from the classifier directory.

Building from the Command Line

  1. Enter the directory the classifier project was cloned into.

    cd <classifier directory>
  2. Create and enter a build directory, for storing the compilation results.

    mkdir build
    cd build
  3. Run the cmake command, passing in the location of the classifier directory. This configures the project and detects the location of any dependencies. Extra compilation options can be passed in during this step.

    cmake ..
  4. Build the project. This is the command you'll run any time you want to test out new changes.

  5. Enter the classifier directory again to run the project. This allows the executable to find the local files it needs.

    cd ..

Building from Visual Studio

  1. When installing Visual Studio, be sure to install the C++ development kit, which includes CMake support.
  2. Cloning the repository from Visual Studio automatically configures the CMake project
  3. Add the two following directories to your Path variable under This PC > Properties > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables
    • C:\Qt\5.12.5\msvc2017_64\plugins\platforms
    • C:\Qt\5.12.5\msvc2017_64\bin