AAitorG / UNETR_2D

2D UNETR implementation in Tensorflow-keras, for EM image segmentation.
MIT License
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2D implementation in Tensorflow2-Keras of UNETR [1], and YNETR a new proposed architecture, for EM image segmentation.


By running the following commands in bash, you will create and start using a new python environment called 'tutorial-env' (you can change it). Then, you will clone this repository and install the dependencies, specified in requirements.txt.

python3 -m venv tutorial-env
source tutorial-env/bin/activate
git clone https://github.com/AAitorG/UNETR_2D.git UNETR_2D
cd UNETR_2D/
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


There are two different ways to work:

Both approaches have a 'Parameters' section where preferred parameters can be set before starting the training. For “basic” changes, modifying values of this section should be enough.

In order to train for reconstruction, you just need to change the loss function to 'mse' and specify which image alterations you want to use.

With an interesting performance, proposed YNETR_2D architecture can also be used just by setting it in the 'Parameters' section.

Regarding the dataset, in quickstart.ipynb the Lucchi dataset is downloaded and used by default. But in main.py you must specify in the 'Parameters' section the path of the dataset you want to use. Keep in mind that every dataset must be organized as follows:

        |-- train/
        |    |-- x/
        |    |      training-0001.png
        |    |      ...
        |    |-- y/
        |    |      training_groundtruth-0001.png
        |    |        ...
        |-- test/
        |    |-- x/
        |    |      testing-0001.png
        |    |      ...
        |    |-- y/
        |    |      testing_groundtruth-0001.png
        |    |      ...




[1] Hatamizadeh, A., Tang, Y., Nath, V., Yang, D., Myronenko, A., Landman, B., ... & Xu, D. (2022). Unetr: Transformers for 3d medical image segmentation. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (pp. 574-584).