Open M0M0F3IK opened 1 month ago
Summary of the start of the game story. I think we can forget the parallel universe for now and focus on an exoplanet we found, were we could possibly survive. This exoplanet is too far away and we have to go into an Einstein-Rosen-Brücke to get to this planet faster. The player must become a spaceship level undefined
to have to possibility to travel like this way.
Now we have to make some specifications the player has to achieve, when he wants to travel through an Einstein-Rosen-Brücke, to start designing the individual levels.
I finished the story for the tutorial, other essential parts are in production.
GameDesign: Completation and Summary of Game Story
(Assignees: @Manni2211)
Brainstorming Space
For now we have to go into detail and designing the specific game stages
To do: