AFG-Polio-Data / APMIS-Project

APMIS (Afghanistan Polio Management Information System) is an supplemental Immunization Activities management system to manage the vaccination activities in the country.
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Refinements to publishing process #620

Closed RaziaMahmodi closed 7 months ago

RaziaMahmodi commented 7 months ago

Record-level publishing is a major advantage for WHO users. Some refinements are proposed to meet the needs and workflow of PCM data reviewers:

2 separate actions:

  1. “verify” - records have been reviewed and are appropriate to “publish” a. This is really a status designation but does not change the record otherwise
  2. “publish” – applies only to verified records. This action makes verified records available to other non-WHO users

Campaign data view

Add Dropdown filter o Add a dropdown showing verified status, dropdown would filter by verified status (“All records”, “Verified”, “Un-Verified”). o Keep existing published status dropdown (selecting published would only show verified records since all published records would have been verified prior to publishing). • Add column for verified status • Add column for published status • Bulk Actions – three options: Delete, Verify, Publish o Checking for varification: When in bulk mode, if a user selects an unverified record and then clicks on Publish, there should be a popup error message stating “You have selected 1 or more unverified records to publish. Please verify any records you wish to publish first.”

Record level view • For unverified records: Change button from “Verify & Publish” to Verify • For published records: o Add button to “Un-Publish” the record but allowing it to remain in a verified state o Keep existing button to “Un-Verify & Un-Publish”

Campaign BasicsRemove publish button o It is potentially confusing to users to have this in 2 places o All verification and publishing actions will take place as described above