AIChallenger / AI_Challenger_2017

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label standard? #27

Open zhaishengfu opened 6 years ago

zhaishengfu commented 6 years ago



Can you tell me why there is only 1 person in the label??Why the little boy does not be labeled?? what is the standard of labeling person??

why does this have 3 person label 0a5de767f71c81be103c1ba3739dbbe5c98ed3f5

but this has 3????


I really can not understand your standard of judging a person. and the above images is choosed randomly from 50 images. And I dont know for the following images, how many peosons have you labeled 0a05ba0a6c0f53160384184f3b321bd51a841d00 I hope you can give me one standard of judging a person. Thanks

zhaishengfu commented 6 years ago

also, for this image, your image only has 3 labels, but for my model, I get the following result, Do you think which is better?? and in your datasets , there are many such problems.. I am confused


zhaishengfu commented 6 years ago

and much more 0a42e9d7fb31d168f964f2df0a30db0e195feca6 in the above image, you give 3 labels, but i get 6. So i said your evaluation is unfair. You said the dataset is labeled by profession. But i only choosed randomly and there are many such problems. Looks forward to your reply

tensorboy commented 6 years ago

I'm looking forward with @zhaishengfu. :)