ALLPix / allpix

AllPix is a powerful tool for various simulation goals with pixel detectors, see the Twiki page for more details
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Generic simulation for pixel detectors

John Idarraga
Mathieu Benoit
Samir Arfaoui R.I.P


1) Geant4 v4.10 or newer must be installed with the following dependencies satisfied

Regarding possible problem with open Inventor on lxplus, see :

2) ROOT 6.04 or newer . A basic setup with xml parser is enough.


Make sure you loaded your Geant4 and ROOT setups (check $G4LIB and $ROOTSYS vars for instance). For user installing allpix on lxplus with SLC6, a GEANT4 installation has been prepared for your convenience. The bash script may need however to be edited. In the file, change the folder assigned to G4WORKDIR to a folder where you have write access, objects and executable produced during allpix compilation will be put in there. Ex :

    export G4WORKDIR=~/myG4WorkDirectory    

The default is $HOME/Allpix/allpix-install, according to the following instructions.

Allpix is now compilable using Cmake. We suggest the following work folder structure.

|--- AllpixMotherFolder /               # Mother folder containing source, build and install folder
     |----- allpix          # Source code folder to be checked out from Github 
     |      |----- src 
     |      |----- include
     |      |----- models
     |      |----- share
     |      |----- macros    
     |----- allpix-build    # Build folder for cmake 
     |----- allpix-install # Installation folder for cmake 
     |      |----- bin      # allpix executable folder

First create the mother Allpix folder :

    mkdir AllpixMotherFolder 
    cd AllpixMotherFolder

Then checkout the github version of allpix : git clone

If running on lxplus, source the bash setup script (make sure you are using bash, if not, type exec bash) to get access the the precompiled geant4, root and other dependencies. (!!!!WARNING!!! lxplus path for installation has changed so make sure you have the latest version from github) :

source allpix/

Now create the build and install folder :

mkdir allpix-build allpix-install
cd allpix-build 

Initialize cmake for compilation of allpix :


if You wish to compile with the LCIO file writer option, use the following on LXPLUS :

    cmake ../allpix -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$G4WORKDIR -Dlcio=ON 

Please not that for a custom installation, the environnement variable LCIO should be set and poiting to your installation of LCIO.

Once the Cmake environnement is set, to compile, simply execute :

make -jX install 

X is a number of processor

If you follow the structure below, the allpix executable should be added to the PATH by the lxplus setup script. However, for custom installation, make sure allpix-install/bin is added to the PATH environnement variable using this command, you may want to add this command to your setup script :


NOTE : the pixeldetector.xml file that is used for simulation is picked following a relative path to the allpix execution folder. So execute allpix executable from inside allpix folder, as before NOTE : The makefile method is deprecated for this version, please use CMAKE instead

Folder Structure :

the code on github follow this folder structure :

     |----- allpix          
     |      |----- src 
     |      |----- include
     |      |----- models
     |      |----- share
     |      |----- macros   

Preparing your Simulation :

See :


Setup your Geant4 and ROOT environments and run the following way, from the source folder

Interactive run: allpix macros/

Batch run : allpix macros/ batch

Presentation and examples

Tutorial on simulation of silicon pixel detectors with Allpix

Measurement of the Lorentz angle in CMS pixel detector modules, by Paul Schuetze

First use of the Allpix framework and preliminary results, by Andreas Heggelund

ALiBaVa Strip Sensor Analysis, by Thomas Eichhorn

Full simulation of the LUCID experiment in the Low Earth Orbit radiation environment by T. Whyntiea,b and M.A. Harrisona

Calibration, simulation and test-beam characterisation of Timepix hybrid-pixel readout assemblies with ultra-thin sensors

Characterization of 3D Silicon Assemblies for ATLAS Pixel Upgrade, Thesis by Marcello Borri

CLIC Telescope Optimization with ALLPIX Simulation, by Wu Qi

Recent results with HV-CMOS and planar sensors for the CLIC vertex detector, by Niloufar Alipour Tehrani

The FE-I4 telescope for particle tracking in testbeam experiments, by M. Benoit et al.