AMereBagatelle / fabricskyboxes

Custom skyboxes mod for Fabric
MIT License
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[0.6.4 & 0.6.5] Rotation isn't smooth on certain modded servers #83

Closed pkfortis closed 1 year ago

pkfortis commented 1 year ago

No matter what I set the rotation speed of the starfield to, the animation refuses to run smoothly when connected to my PaperMC server. In singleplayer and when connected to a vanilla server, the animation plays as expected.

Here's a video of the jerky animation. The stars should be moving at about the same speed as the moon normally would be, and sort of are, but... yeah:

Vaskyy commented 1 year ago

1.19.3 Have the same Issue on a Fabric MP Server. SP is completly fine.

pkfortis commented 1 year ago

I did a little more testing. I can confirm that this issue occurs with both versions 0.6.4 and 0.6.5 on 1.19.4.

Vaskyy commented 1 year ago

most things got changed in 0.6.3. so i guess after this version the problems occur.

supsm commented 1 year ago

@Vaskyy What mods are on the server?

Vaskyy commented 1 year ago

• No Enderman griefing • More mob heads • Player heads drop • XP Clumps • Starlight • Sodium • No Chat Reporting • ItemSwapper

supsm commented 1 year ago

Sodium on the server? Did you mean lithium? If so, which version is being used?

Vaskyy commented 1 year ago

yes i meant lithium lithium-fabric-mc1.19.3-0.10.4