ASDAlexander77 / cs2cpp

C# to C++ transpiler (Cs2Cpp) (Powered by Roslyn)
254 stars 62 forks source link

Great Project #10

Open atErik opened 3 years ago

atErik commented 3 years ago

i like this (C# to C++) "cs2cpp" transpiler project.
its useful.
i have Starred this project.
it needs to be improved further.


EXTRA INFO : BTW , i have mentioned it in a Transpiler List here in SO(StackOverflow) site , would you please UPVOTE it here ( or vote to UNDELETE it ) ? please upvote my Question+Answer, both, if you find it useful or if you think it will be helpful for other users related to this type of transpiler projects . By the way, Transpiler-List can be seen from here or here or find it under my repo(s) here.
( and please downvote user Caleb's answer, as that is incorrect answer . Correct-answer must answer my questions first , My question is about "Transpiler" tools & which "transpiler" tool can keep high-level algorithms/structures intact , Question/article is NOT about language learning, when to transpile & when-not, etc.
In SO site, user Flimzy (and Caleb) doesn't give advice When "C/C++",etc to "Go" conversion related question is posted or when "C/C++" is criticized , But when "Go"-to-"C/C++",etc conversion Question is posted or when Google based products (like "Go"-language) are criticized , then those users, especially Flimzy "Close" the question & downvotes, & gives many un-asked advices, etc, Because those users are Google PUSHERS & google based product (like "Go", Google-Advertisements,etc) PUSHERS . Flimzy edited-out important text from my post criticizing Advertisements . Google Crimes1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Problems in "Go"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. )

EDIT : i have Starred this project.
EDIT : added few more words & one link in upvote para.
EDIT : added few links for Transpiler-List new page.
EDIT : added links on "Go"/"Golang"-Problems.