ATFutures / who

Active Transport Futures planning tools for the World Health Organisation
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data description #11

Closed mpadge closed 6 years ago

mpadge commented 6 years ago

This is actually the main task of Phase 1 - a general and reasonably generic description of the data landscape for both Kathmandu and Accra. Tentative checklist:

Robinlovelace commented 6 years ago

I'm well up for this - was just about to add it as an issue but see it's already there.

mpadge commented 6 years ago

The 1st 2 of those 3 checklist items done with this script, and initial results pasted into the README

Robinlovelace commented 6 years ago

Following an email from @geoMADE asking what cycleways are there currently on the map, here's a preliminary answer: not much in Accra. This can be seen below. Note @mpadge this uses a broader definition of cycleway than what we used initially. Will post code below that figure now.


ways = readRDS("../who-data/accra/osm/accra-hw.Rds")
cycleways = ways %>% filter(highway == "cycleway")
cycleways_bicycle = ways %>% filter(grepl("yes|designated", bicycle))
cycleways_bicycle_road = ways %>% filter(bicycle_road == "yes")
cycleways = rbind(cycleways, cycleways_bicycle, cycleways_bicycle_road)