AardCrowley / Search-and-Destroy

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Only compare the first 30 characters of a name when clearing targets with ht/qw #19

Closed AardNaricain closed 3 years ago

AardNaricain commented 3 years ago

Bug fix for something introduced in https://github.com/AardCrowley/Search-and-Destroy/pull/8/ If the short name of a mob is over 30 characters, than in where their name will be truncated, like "Laurence, archangel of the sword" where you'll see something like Laurence, archangel of the swo In the clouds Of course, "Laurence, archangel of the sword" does not match "Laurence, archangel of the swo" so doing qw will clear him as a target. This change makes it only compare up to the first 30 characters