AardCrowley / Search-and-Destroy

Safe, Legal Search and Destroy
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Slightly improved table formatting #22

Closed AardNaricain closed 3 years ago

AardNaricain commented 3 years ago

Long mob names were throwing off the tables when listing areas: MUSHclient -  Aardwolf  2021-06-02 22 14 18

Truncate names that are too long fixes them MUSHclient -  Aardwolf  2021-06-02 22 16 15

A more subtle change that you can see here is I moved the [Dead] tag to before the mob name. This is so if you had a really long mob name, the [Dead] tag wouldn't fall off the end.

I also cleaned up some of the string formatting in there. There was a customer padRight function that was sometimes being used, and sometimes it was using string.format. I changed it to always use string.format