AardCrowley / Search-and-Destroy

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Display room notes in the rooms table #24

Closed AardNaricain closed 3 years ago

AardNaricain commented 3 years ago

Added the room notes to the potential rooms table. Also reformatted the table a bit. Now the chance column is also a hyperlink to the speedwalk MUSHclient -  Aardwolf  2021-06-03 14 00 05

I also reformatted the table a bit to accommodate everything. Mainly getting rid of the ~~~ at the start, moving the numbers under the index heading, moving the (uid) so it's actually over the rooms, and adding a chance heading.

Possible further improvements: add a speedwalk link to areas, and a notes link. The notes for the whole area are already in the campaign info table, and I've never actually found the use for the speedwalk link (I just go to the area/room), so I don't feel like doing this change right now.