AardCrowley / Search-and-Destroy

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Use the mob db to find nowhere/nohunt mobs quickly #29

Closed AardNaricain closed 3 years ago

AardNaricain commented 3 years ago

Before, when doing xcp/qw: MUSHclient -  Aardwolf  2021-06-04 17 20 45

With this change: MUSHclient -  Aardwolf  2021-06-04 17 28 58

When you do qw with an argument ("qw hide spider") it won't show this message; only when it's being used to track a quest/cp/gq target.

When hunt trick fails on the first target (meaning not find hunt guard and then fail on hunt 2.guard, but only when it fails on hunt guard), it will fall back to quick where, which then will check the mobs db if not found: MUSHclient -  Aardwolf  2021-06-04 19 00 08

This will happen when ht is used without args or if you're using xcp mode ht. It won't happen if you manually use hunt trick with, for example, ht large firefly.