AardCrowley / Search-and-Destroy

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Show a changelog in game #33

Closed AardNaricain closed 3 years ago

AardNaricain commented 3 years ago

When you install the plugin it will check your last version and display all the changes between your last known version and the updated one: MUSHclient -  Aardwolf  2021-06-04 22 27 30

It also means we'll start remembering the last client version in a variable. If it's nil we'll just show the latest change notes.

There's also a Changelog option in the menu to show all changes ever.

I changed the green highlight color to this light blue one. I think it contrasts as well as the green but looks a bit better with the orange. Comparison of some of the combinations I tried that ended up contrasting well: HgeON4Y - Imgur

I also tried making a window pop up with the changelog but it did not look great changelog