AardCrowley / Search-and-Destroy

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Snd improve damage triggers #72

Closed AardStarling closed 1 year ago

AardStarling commented 3 years ago

edit 7/31 - I added what I worked on since then, which was pretty much just that doing xcp to a upper/lower planes mob will run to the recallable room in the correct pool instead of taking you to the amulet of the planes portal drop. This makes doing planes mobs a bit nicer.

So, what I did was combine the 40 triggers into 5 triggers. They seem to work like they should.

I also tightened up the pattern matching. We only want them reacting to the player's own damage messages. The original triggers were reacting to things they definitely shouldn't. They would react to mobs hitting you, players in your room fighting and hitting other mobs or players, mobs hitting other mobs/players, you hitting yourself, and so on. They would also react to invalid messages, e.g. "Someone's triggerjack does UNFUNNY things to your script!"

I have no idea if the combined triggers are more efficient than the 40 separate ones or not. I think they would be, with the tighter pattern matching and not firing on combat messages that aren't yours? Not sure.

Do you get cp mob credit if your groupie kills the mob? From help campaign rules, it looks like you don't. I pretty much never group though, so not sure.

Fixed typos and whatnot. GUI buttons animate properly. Vidblain navigation is slightly faster.

Let me know if there are any issues.

eta: I just got a cp to kill the chimera in citadel, which is a pointless no experience kill, so added that message to the trigger for trigger_receive_xp. Also I kinda want to make it turn off those damage triggers if player isn't on a cp or gq.

eta at 20:38 - the damage triggers turn on when on a cp or gq, and turn off when not. Compacted some long tables to shorten the length of the file and make it easier to find stuff. Seems to be working just fine. Let me know.